I worked for a major bank in Hungary for nearly ten years, and I learned so much working there and grew both professionally and personally. During my time with the company, I got familiar with the company culture and its dress code and also deepened my working knowledge. After the birth of my children, I began devoting more and more time to my hobby, to my interest. I am fond of history, the culture of dressing, and fashion, just like the vast majority of women. I have read many, many books and articles about the history of fashion and dug in whatever caught my interest.
I have attended fashion courses in London and Paris and have immersed myself in the subject day after day. So, I have ended up putting the most remarkable stories to ‘paper,’ collected in a blog. In addition to the posts about the history of fashion, theatre plays, books, and films, I will also discuss whatever products of creative industries. I find fascinating cultural or cre. I now live with my three sons near Zurich, Switzerland.

The story of the brand goes back to my family background. I have the luck of a loving family with the gift to have known all my grandparents.
Kohan is my maternal grandfather’s family name in the honor of which I have chosen the KOHAN name for my brand.
He was a bespoke taylor only satisfied with a perfect job, who made the suits for polticians and actors in Budapest in his twenties, and who then, given the chance, became independent. We surprised him with a trip to London for his 90th birthday, where we visited the famous Savile Row and the not less famous Henry Poole tailor, making excellent, hand-made suits for the nobility since 1806.
My grandfather would listen and observe for hours how the tailors made their suits; finally, a tiny process impressed him. As he got home he instantly refitted the suits in preparation to make them look nicer. This Kohan heritage for sophistication, precision, and eagerness to learn are my companions on my journey to produce tasteful scarves.
With the hope that you will find one of our silk masterpieces calling you, I wish you joyful browsing on my website.